Workbench Add-On
Workbench Add-On - Volume 1.iso
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410 lines
** »»» CG Calendar v.03 (Preliminary) «««
** Written by Craig G. Callan August 1994
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <graphics/text.h>
#include <graphics/gfx.h>
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#define HEIGHT 15
#define WIDTH 40
#define WINHEIGHT 160
#define WINWIDTH 315
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
struct Window *Window;
struct NewWindow NewWindow = {320 - (WINWIDTH + 100) / 2, 20,
"CG Calender v.03 (Preliminary)", NULL,
NULL, 440, 160, 440, 160, WBENCHSCREEN};
struct EasyStruct myES = {sizeof (struct EasyStruct), 0,
"CG Calendar Request",
"Do You Really Want to Quit?", "YES|NO"};
struct TextExtent ResultTextExtent;
struct tm *localTime;
time_t timeDate;
char buf [80], c, datestring[80], mname [12], monthname [13][12], Tim [9], weekname [8][10], wkname [10], yr [4];
long timx [3];
int day, julian, leapflg, month, wkday, wkdayfirst, year;
int monthlen [13] = {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
int CheckQ, ht, Number, reCheck, QFlag, wt;
void main (), BuildTimeString (), doIDCMP (), doScreen (), doText (), GetToday (), Refresh (), ShutDown (), StartUp ();
»»» Start Of Main Program ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««
void main()
CheckQ = 0; reCheck = 0; QFlag = 0;
StartUp ();
GetToday ();
julian = FindJulian (day, month, year);
doScreen ();
while (QFlag == 0)
doIDCMP ();
if (CheckQ == 1)
CheckQ = 0;
»»» This part is for the "Do You Really Want to Quit?" requester «««
QFlag = EasyRequest (NULL, &myES, NULL, NULL, Number);
QFlag = 1;
ShutDown ();
exit (TRUE);
»»» All Subroutines/Functions Reside Below This Point ««««««««««««««««««««««««
void BuildTimeString ()
USHORT Hours, Mins;
Hours = (USHORT) timx [1] / 60;
Tim [5] = ' '; Tim [7] = 'M'; Tim [8] = 0;
Mins = (USHORT) timx [1] - (60 * Hours);
if (Hours > 12)
Hours = Hours - 12;
Tim [6] = 'P';
Tim [6] = 'A';
Tim [0] = (Hours < 10) ? '0' : (Hours / 10) + '0';
Tim [1] = (Hours < 10) ? '0' + Hours : (Hours % 10) + '0';
if (Tim [2] == ':')
Tim [2] = ' ';
Tim [2] = ':';
Tim [3] = (Mins < 10) ? '0' : (Mins / 10) + '0';
Tim [4] = (Mins < 10) ? '0' + Mins : (Mins % 10) + '0';
int CheckForLeapYear (yr)
if ((yr % 4) == 0)
{ /* Check for leap year and alter February MONTHLEN */
monthlen [2] = 29;
return 1;
monthlen [2] = 28;
return 0;
void doIDCMP ()
struct IntuiMessage *message;
static USHORT ticks;
char Str [2];
int bDay, bMonth, bYear;
WaitPort (Window -> UserPort);
while (message = (struct IntuiMessage *) GetMsg (Window -> UserPort))
switch (message -> Class)
CheckQ = 1;
if (ticks++ > 7)
ticks = 0;
DateStamp (timx);
BuildTimeString (timx);
doText (310, WINWIDTH + 86, 62 + ht, Tim, 1);
if (reCheck > 1) /* Recheck date every second */
reCheck = 0;
bDay = day; bMonth = month; bYear = year;
GetToday ();
julian = FindJulian (day, month, year);
if (day != bDay || month != bMonth || year != bYear)
Refresh ();
ReplyMsg (message);
void doScreen ()
char Day [4], buf [40];
int c1, c2, d, i, j, w, x, y;
»»» Draw the "Info" part of the window «««
doText (310, WINWIDTH + 86, 58 - ht + (ht / 2), "Information", 2);
SetAPen (Window -> RPort, 1);
Move (Window -> RPort, 310, 58 + (HEIGHT * 6) + 6);
Draw (Window -> RPort, 310, 58);
Draw (Window -> RPort, WINWIDTH + 86, 58);
SetAPen (Window -> RPort, 2);
Draw (Window -> RPort, WINWIDTH + 86, 58 + (HEIGHT * 6) + 6);
Draw (Window -> RPort, 310, 58 + (HEIGHT * 6) + 6);
Move (Window -> RPort, (WINWIDTH + 86 + 310) / 2 - (wt / 2), 58 - ht + (ht / 2));
doText (310, WINWIDTH + 86, 62 + ht, "--:-- --", 1);
strcopy (buf, "Julian ");
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Day [i] = 0;
itoa (julian, Day);
strcat (buf, Day);
doText (310, WINWIDTH + 86, 58 + (ht * 4), buf, 1);
if (leapflg == 1)
doText (310, WINWIDTH + 86, 62 + (ht * 5), "Leap Year", 1);
»»» Draw Calendar «««
d = 1; y = 58;
buf [0] = 0;
strcat (buf, monthname [month]); strcat (buf, " "); strcat (buf, yr);
doText (0, WINWIDTH, 30, buf, 2);
w = wt / i;
SetAPen (Window -> RPort, 1);
Day [0] = 0; Day [1] = 0; Day [2] = 0;
for (i = 1; i < 8; i++)
x = 9 + (i * (WIDTH + 2)) - WIDTH - 2;
strcopy (buf, weekname [i]); buf [3] = 0;
doText (x, x + WIDTH, y - ht + (ht / 2), buf, 1);
if (d == 1)
j = wkdayfirst;
j = 1;
while (j < 8 && d < monthlen [month] + 1)
x = 10 + (j * (WIDTH + 2)) - WIDTH - 2;
Move (Window -> RPort, x, y + HEIGHT);
if (d == day)
c1 = 2; c2 = 1;
c1 = 1; c2 = 2;
SetAPen (Window -> RPort, c2);
Draw (Window -> RPort, x, y);
Draw (Window -> RPort, x + WIDTH, y);
SetAPen (Window -> RPort, c1);
Draw (Window -> RPort, x + WIDTH, y + HEIGHT);
Draw (Window -> RPort, x, y + HEIGHT);
SetAPen (Window -> RPort, 1);
itoa (d, Day);
Move (Window -> RPort, x + (w / (w / 2)) , y + ht);
if (d < 10)
Text (Window -> RPort, Day, 1);
Text (Window -> RPort, Day, 2);
d++; j++; x = x + WIDTH + 2;
y = y + HEIGHT + 1;
} while (d < monthlen [month] + 1);
void doText (wx1, wx2, y, str, color)
char str [80];
int color, wx1, wx2, y;
int x;
TextExtent (Window -> RPort, str, strlen (str), &ResultTextExtent);
ht = ResultTextExtent.te_Height;
if (ht > HEIGHT - 2)
ShutDown ();
printf ("\nError! Please use a font that is smaller than %d points...\n\n", HEIGHT - 1);
exit (FALSE);
wt = ResultTextExtent.te_Width;
x = ((wx2 + wx1) / 2) - (wt / 2);
SetAPen (Window -> RPort, color);
Move (Window -> RPort, x, y);
Text (Window -> RPort, str, strlen (str));
int FindJulian (dy, mnth, year)
int jul, i;
leapflg = CheckForLeapYear (year);
jul = dy;
for (i = 1; i < mnth; i++)
jul = jul + monthlen [i];
return jul;
void GetToday ()
int i, j;
timeDate = time (NULL);
localTime = localtime (&timeDate);
strftime (datestring, (size_t)80, "\"%A, %d %B %Y\"\n", localTime );
i = 0;
while (datestring [i] != 'y' && datestring [i] != 0)
wkname [i] = datestring [i + 1];
wkname [i] = 0;
wkday = 0;
for (j = 1; j < 8; j++)
if (strcmp (weekname [j], wkname) == 0) wkday = j;
i = i + 3; j = 0;
while (datestring [i] != ' ' && datestring [i] != 0)
buf [j] = datestring [i];
i++; j++;
buf [j] = 0;
day = atoi (buf);
i++; j = 0;
while (datestring [i] != ' ' && datestring [i] != 0)
mname [j] = datestring [i];
i++; j++;
mname [j] = 0;
month = 0;
for (j = 1; j < 13; j++)
if (strcmp (monthname [j], mname) == 0) month = j;
i++; j = 0;
while (j < 4)
yr [j] = datestring [i];
i++; j++;
yr [j] = 0;
year = atoi (yr);
i = day; wkdayfirst = wkday;
while (i > 1)
i--; wkdayfirst--;
if (wkdayfirst < 1) wkdayfirst = 7;
leapflg = CheckForLeapYear (year);
itoa (n, s) register int n;
register char *s;
int i, forechar;
i = forechar = 0;
if (n < 0)
forechar = 1;
n = -n;
s [i++] = n % 10 + '0';
} while ((n /= 10) > 0);
if (forechar)
s [i++] = '-';
reverse (s);
void Refresh ()
SetAPen (Window -> RPort, 0);
RectFill (Window -> RPort, 4, ht * 3, WINWIDTH + 88, WINHEIGHT - 4);
doScreen ();
reverse (s) register char *s;
register int c, i, j;
for (i = 0, j = strlen (s) - 1; i < j; i++, j--)
c = s [i];
s [i] = s [j];
s [j] = c;
void ShutDown ()
if (Window) CloseWindow (Window);
if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary (IntuitionBase);
void StartUp ()
int i, j;
char buf [4];
IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *) OpenLibrary ("intuition.library", 37);
if (IntuitionBase == NULL)
printf (" You must have Kickstart v37 or newer, aborting...\n");
exit (FALSE);
if ((Window = (struct Window *) OpenWindow (&NewWindow)) == NULL)
CloseLibrary (IntuitionBase);
exit (FALSE);
TextExtent (Window -> RPort, "Test", 4, &ResultTextExtent);
ht = ResultTextExtent.te_Height;
if (ht > HEIGHT - 2)
ShutDown ();
printf ("\nError! Please use a font that is smaller than %d points...\n\n", HEIGHT - 2);
exit (FALSE);
strcopy (weekname [1], "Sunday"); strcopy (weekname [2], "Monday");
strcopy (weekname [3], "Tuesday"); strcopy (weekname [4], "Wednesday");
strcopy (weekname [5], "Thursday"); strcopy (weekname [6], "Friday");
strcopy (weekname [7], "Saturday");
strcopy (monthname [1], "January"); strcopy (monthname [2], "February");
strcopy (monthname [3], "March"); strcopy (monthname [4], "April");
strcopy (monthname [5], "May"); strcopy (monthname [6], "June");
strcopy (monthname [7], "July"); strcopy (monthname [8], "August");
strcopy (monthname [9], "September"); strcopy (monthname [10], "October");
strcopy (monthname [11], "November"); strcopy (monthname [12], "December");
strcopy (t, s) register char *t, *s;
while (*t++ = *s++);